Thursday, June 23, 2016

The Power of Preference...

The following is a not so direct response to what was written here...

Humans are simple people.  Some of us are really simple people, I know it, you know it...
We make our decisions on a whim, we're all lazy on the inside, we're all selfish and greedy.  It's okay to admit it, we were made that way.
If you've studied your history, you know that humans have had to struggle.  Like, really, struggle.  Many of us throughout time have starved to death, some of us have had to eat the corpses of other humans or worse, simply to remain upright and breathing.
Some of us drowned because we overfilled a little rubber boat and so desperately needed to leave the place where we're from, that simple wind and waves were our destroyers.
And sadly, some of us are still struggling with no end in sight.

When I consider racism, I can understand.  It's no different than the other many experiences in our lives, shaping our views.
If you tried some vanilla ice cream then some chocolate, who can blame you for likin' one more than the other.
If you've had some friends who were Christian and some who were Muslim, who can blame you for siding with one or the other.
The intensity that you feel towards one side or the other may be different but the end result is the same and again, we can't fault people for having preferences.

Consider for a moment that you've had some rich friends.  Okay, praps not "rich" with a capital "R".
But you've had some friends who have a nice house, a swimming pool in the backyard and their kids have things, you know like shoes and clothes, mabes a pair of glasses.
Now consider that you've had some poor friends.  Like really poor.  Mabes they're homeless, they don't have a vehicle, their kids are missing a shoe here, a shirt there.
Which do you want to be more friendly with and before you answer, consider that my family and I are pretty stinkin' poor and if you want to be our friends, type to me and we'll find a way to hang out right.
My son has both of his shoes still and thank the gods he doesn't need glasses.

I don't have a real job and that really stings my person, deeply.  Where I live, no one seems willing to give up their jobs so that others can have some.  Sometimes I wonder why.
Are they racists..?  Are they the so called "job lovers"..?
Because wowzers all the sudden, does that put it into a fancy box with bow, perspective..? Yet?

To say that we will look at others with special new labels because of a political agenda, one in which you can hardly believe anything anyone says anyway...
Oh to the Em and the Gee, are my neighbors filthy money lovers.!?
How dare they like vanilla ice cream, it's bland it has no flavor, it's WHITE..!

I've never voted, I don't believe my voice counts.  I don't believe in the system and I'd like to meet the people that actually get to count the votes and declare a winner.
If you held that power, would you let the simple humans beneath you make the all powerful decisions about what kind of ice cream is the best for all?

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