Tuesday, June 7, 2016

An Education in Rape...

The following is a direct response to what was written here...


I have to admit, I hadn't heard about the Brock Turner case yet.  Praps I'm a bit out of the loop or mabes its because these sort of crimes happen all the time; everyday the news is full of 'em right.
I can't type much about being raped because I'm a male and it feels really hard for a male to imagine being raped and the horror that ensues for some reason.  That is, unless it's happened to you, or me.
I can address my friend Nik's spelling of the word "jail" however.  As in, what the heck is that, jail with a "G"..?

I think as humans, our common sense tells us enough about the way the world works.  Rape is bad, rapists should go to jail, even the one with the "G".
Rape is even worse when people attempt to cover it up, when they fail to punish appropriately, when people don't believe they did anything "wrong".
I can't type much in the way of "new" thoughts there.  It's been a problem in our society for so long, that my little voice doesn't seem to have enough oomph to make any real dent in the depravity of male humans.

I can type about jail though.  Prisons, incarcerations of any kind, they're all the same.  When you take a human and stick 'em in a cage, well the reaction is all the same.
That human fights for every little scrap of "everything".  Any comfort is strongly desired and sexual pleasure, well it might be the most desired, mabes a second close behind drugs and alcohol.
Lock a human in a box and it'll start masturbating when bored enough.  It could almost be a science experiment.  How long does it take a human to...

So the thing we have to realize, is that there's a secret little society in jails and prison centers.
There are people that have been there longer than others, people who have organized partnerships and gangs, people who find loopholes and guards that can be affected, bribed sometimes.
It's a nasty little society in there and there's nowhere to hide.  Nowhere to run.  Perchaps some occupants beg to be unconscious.

At the top of the totem poles, the "thrones" if you will, are the murderers of other humans.  The cop killers, the bank robbers, the assassins for hire.
You know, the real animals.  The ones with the big fat life sentences.  The ones with nothing to lose.
At the very bottom of the pole, are those that preyed on the helpless.  The child molesters, the rapists, the kidnappers.
They even have cute nicknames for the bottom dwellers.  They call them "chomos".  It's short for "child molester".
If you're one of the newly arrived chomos, you try your hardest to convince everyone else, that you had a different crime, praps you were a common thief or a music downloading pirate.

Because to admit, or to have it discovered, that you are a chomo, means you now have a giant bullseye on your forehead.  Or other parts of your body...
And the guys on top, the ones with all the internal power, well they like to think that it's their responsibility to help "reform" the bottoms.  They look at it like it's a form of redemption, to help punish the bad people of the world, even if they themselves were "once" a bad person.
A chomo has no friends, no one that will stick up for them and most guards will turn the other way while the beatings (and other activities) commence.
Look up some of the reports from the inmate Jared Fogle, the Subway spokesguy who turned chomo.

If you're a famous chomo, they pass you around like a special desert at a rich white-people's party.  As in, umms, that's some good chomo huh.
I do believe Brock Turner's sentence could have been much worse.  I'm not sure if I'd go castration or just execution but that's because I believe in teaching by example and if rapists were given the guillotine, I think the world would have a lot less rapists eh.
I also believe that he'll receive his fair share of rape education in whatever cage he finds himself in.
It takes less than twenty minutes to kill oneself and six months is a long time to a little rich-kid white boy.
Should he survive, praps he will have truly learned his lesson.
Ariel Castro didn't last one month and that guy was a true animal monster.

Great article once again Nik, even with your soft "G"s huh.

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