Saturday, December 5, 2015

Smiles Part Two...

The following is a direct response to what was written here...

Wow, it is a personal honor to be mentioned, words can't describe.
I feel like such a little spec on the huge scope of the world sometimes that, to be typed about, yep, it makes little goosebumps run up the back of my neck, 'tis...  humbling.
I have to go on record to say that everything that Nik types, I agree with.  My comment was "Much applause" and here I am again, standing and golf clapping in a generally easternly direction.
It's a big topic and there is lots of room for discussion, I applaud all that want to contribute.

I should probs declare my political "stance" at this point, it seems to be an important aspect to my perspective and oh, I feel such pressure sometimes...
I cannot support the American government.
It is overblown, inflated, pathetic, I vote that we scrap the whole thing and "revise".  I am a non participant.
We can't crank out laws to govern internet gambling in a timely fashion, we can't get right with a national health care system and the web site's a complete disaster, we can't globally "police" anywhere because every citizen in our country can illegally download movies and video games, not to mention music and books.
Our system of government is as stagnant as the Catholics.
We refuse to learn, refuse to change, we fight ourselves when there's no one else.
Our ability to adapt with the times is less than satisfactory.  Will we ever be better at adapting?  Only when we're forced out of our lazy habits.

I think I only have about seven to ten readers of this blog site, I cherish you all by the way and thank you for considering me in your reading habits.
If you wanted to send me and mine some plane tickets someday Nik, we would love to have lunch with you (and Dan) and talk about all kinds of stuff but I enjoy the exchange nonetheless...

I support intelligence for everyone.  If this means you know how to acquire a gun and use it for your defense, I support you.  Weapons do not hurt people, ideas kill people and I want you to question your ideals for a moment and ask yourself, "am I doing what's best for all?"
Because if you're not, if you're hurting people for no reason other than "an ideal", please know that what they promised you is a lie and doing good in this world is so much better rewarded than doing bad.

There is a point where religion and political beliefs are used to shape us and it is not an easy one to recognize.  Our media shows us one window but it is not the only.
Your job as a human, is to look at the other side before committing to violence of any kind, you must see how your pain does not contain innocents.
Let it be known, that anyone can take the life of an innocent.  It is not a heroic or "prime time" event.  Anyone can smuggle a weapon into a movie theater, a church or a school.
Anyone can fight at the weakest element and win and it can be viewed as pathetic, pitiful, cowardly.
If you want to fight, hit where it matters.
You have to fight dirty to be celebrated in the news..?
Let's make a pact and say, no more media on the shootings...
This way, we're not giving them what they want, the attention.
No "news" channel shall promote or run a story about gun violence hurting people.
Do the rest of us "miss out" on our news cast when there's no news of a mass shooting?  Do we hunger for that type of news story..?
Do we "feel good" about telling the story of a bad guy, do we embrace it?
Do we want to know because it will cause us to get off our lazy butts and want to vote against gun rights..?
Or hand grenade rights, nuclear backpack rights, drone anthrax sprayers...
Humans being humans...

I don't think there's a way we can stop hurting ourselves.
I think it may have been programmed into the emotions.
To take away the random sense of violence, to make us all feel "safe", it is anathema to our cores.
We are a violent people and we will always be I think.

Live like it is your last day here.  Cherish the people around you as if you had to spend your whole afterlife with them.
I cherish our exchange Nik, big fat thanks and if we never meet, I hope we can hang out in the afterlife (with Dan of course).

1 comment:

  1. It's not a matter of being honoured. Smiles. I just wanted to show some balance. I didn't want to tar all Americans with the same brush, and I liked the satirical approach you took with your last blog. Smiles. As it was my thing was a bit TLDR, and people are lazy about links, so I wouldn't expect much of an uplift if I was you. Smiles.
