Wednesday, June 8, 2016

To Advertise or Not...

The following is a direct response to what was written here...

Wowzers, what a topic..!
I feel a bit challenged by this one.  As if I were given some little plastic strap-on butterfly wings and told I couldn't fly to the moon and back.
Don't tell me I can't do something!

So okay Bishop, search that thing you call a brain cabbage and come up with "something" right.  Write..?
Yeah there's nothin', big vacant parking lot upstairs eh, it's a freakin' Wednesday!

I know nothing about the issues related to menstruation and I think that's the first time I've ever attempted to spell that word correctly.
Nik's right, it's something the male population gives very little thought to and when we occasionally do, it's usually a put down or used as ammunition.
Which is sad, it seems like it could be related to a female making fun of a man's impotence.  Also sad...

But I think what her article was really about, was perception and that happens to be a staple of my typings so, buckle yourself in, it's probs going to be a bumpy ride.
I have thought for quite some time now, that nobody believes in advertising anymore.  I don't care how many times I see the McDonalds commercial and it doesn't matter how very appealing they make their food look.
On the tele, sure it looks yummy.  In my belly an hour later and yep, lesson learned.
No amount of repeated advertising is going to make me want to consume that poop for the soul, I don't care if their commercials are five minutes long and feature the ultra sexy Ronda Rousey eating chicken nuggets in her body paint "suit".

On the other side, I happen to be a struggling-to-quit alcoholic and if it's been a rough day, if I'm really craving a beer or three and an alcohol commercial comes on, yes it reminds me of how badly I want to run to the store and just buy one more...
But I'm smart enough not to be convinced by my tele and if you've made it this far in life, you're probs smart enough too.

We aren't fooled into buying products because of the advertising.  Our general perception of just about "everything" in life is:
People lie to us.  People try to trick us.
It's just like what our mothers tell our daughters when they're young concerning "boys".  They only want one thing.
Your money.

But another side of me says, hey Bishop, what about the new products that are introduced?  What about the new inventions, the products we've never seen before and how else should we "find out" about them?
I recently noticed a commercial featuring a robotic lawn mower.  Have you seen these yet?
A lot like the fancy little robotic vacuum cleaners that scurry around your carpet and floors on "autopilot", these babies can save you oodles of time and energy.
I mean you schedule a lawn mowing once a week, you ensure your robot has the necessary fuel and blamo, that droid goes out on his own, mows your lawn to your specifications and returns itself to your storage unit without needing any motivation.  Without complaining.
And jeeze, if I happen to be driving by the rich people's neighborhood (these little guys sell for more than two thousand, like fourteen hundred for my British friends)...
If I see a little droid bot out there mowin' someone's lawn, I'm going to be pretty tempted to pull over and kidnap that puppy.
Not because I have my own lawn to be responsible for, my family and I live in a crappy apartment situation.
I'm just too enthralled by the technology, the innovation that can program a self thinking machine to do what humans have been burdened with for, how long now..?
And one more straw just in case that camel's still standing.  I actually enjoy mowing the lawn (you know, if it's not "required").
I'd probs be out there side by side with my little buddy, both of us enjoying the thrill of a job well done.  I'd also name my little friend so I could feel like I was treating him (or her!) with respect.

So old products being "thrust" upon us day after day, nopes, no sale.
A new product that is incredibly cool and intelligent, ding ding!

As a man, and a married one, I can say one thing about my wife's menstruation.  One brief little tid bit, you know, when am I ever going to type about this topic again..?
When she's having her period, I do a little dance inside.  It means she's not pregnant and we won't have to be responsible for another life for the next eighteen years (or more...)
It means I can have all the sex I want (and all the sex my wife wants) and there's no babies ploppin' out.  Big fat "yes" in my book.

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