Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Oh Cloudy Crystal Ball...

The following is a not so direct response to what was written here...

I can't say much about "pride".
I put it in funny little quotes because I'm not real sure I know exactly what it is.  It might be a poison-filled snake for all I know.
I have small moments of what I consider pride, I try not to dwell in it because it seems to hurt me more than help me.
If I'm always striving to be better, there's not much room for pride in that growth angle.
I will say that I recently typed my first story and upon hearing a small amount of praise from a significant person, my core was rocked and I didn't know how to handle it.
I shaved my head and gave twenty-seven inches of my hair to a company that creates wigs for sick children.

I think if we take a big step or two back, the recent election was not entirely about pride.  It wasn't even about anger.
At its gooey center, it was about money (isn't everything nowadays and come on, you can't say you're surprised right...)

As in, people are frustrated when they don't have enough.  How much is enough?  I'm not sure there is an amount we could place in that blank eh.
Do women want money less than men?  Do black people or how about hispanics?  Does the ISIS want less?  The Russians?   Bueller...  Bueller..?
(It's a Ferris Bueller reference.)

I see the desperation and I see how the rich hoard their money and want only to increase it, in any way possible.
I see how we spend mczillions on publicity for election candidates and that money all goes, where exactly?
I see how we spend boatloads of money on "the war on drugs" that the Regans escalated in the eighties and most states are voting to legalize marijuana.
I see how we spend less money, training our police officers than we spend, training our hair stylists.
I see how the system must surely be broken when we constantly reward people for bad behavior.  Look up a "Mike McQueary" with "7.3 million" for example.

I don't have the solutions.  There might not be any.
Should we divide the money equally among all our citizens and when people run out, we tell them "sorry 'bout that, you had your chance."
Should some people, depending on where they live or who their parents were, just have more?
What if we made it a global thing and gave every single human three thousand dollars (or pounds).  Would that help the Ethiopians have clean water?

I don't believe Donald Trump, the Trumpinator or my recent favorite, "Emperor Trump", is the answer.
If he's not, we'll grow even angrier, possibs a little smarter, mabes we'll even raise our pitchforks and torches again for a little while.
But until we figure out "the money problem", no one will ever be happy enough to vote without the greed clouding our visions.

Monday, November 7, 2016

I didn't mean it...

The following is a not so direct response to what was written here...

I think I may actually not know what to say.
I know, I know, usually I'm pretty opinionated on, well, everything huh.
Usually I can throw out a pretty wicked perspective and sometimes, it sticks.
But the American election yeps, I like what you said Nik, "Offer a disgruntled public change, and they’ll grab it with both hands."

Yes we have some people who think things should be a whole lot "better" but no real clue as to the how.  Or the "why" come to think of it.
Praps we're all a little too "entitled" from watching our telees too much.
Yes we have a lot of pay check to pay check livers and I happen to be one of them (pay checks with a "cheque", that one made me snort laugh in a fun way on a Monday morning...)

The math isn't all that hard to do and the circumstances we find ourselves in aren't that far from predictable.
Angry population, check.  Guy that's been famous for years, been rich for years and, most importantly, been on our tvs for years, check.
Promises made, check.
Enough accusation coated manure to paint a large barn thrown, mega check.

I think we're not so much "hoping" for a better change to come with this election.  We're merely hoping for any change.
Is the system truly broken yet and how much power does even our president truly wield?  Check.
What happens if we become all friendly with Russia and start a global "third" world war and everybody suddenly has a job?  Check.

Mabes the best I can offer is that we, as Americans, love our television shows so much, that we can't help but strive to be the passion-filled drama kings and queens.
And much like the fight you start with your significant other when things grow too boring, quite similar to the break up and cry fest that ensues...
Perchaps we are only repeating what we've been taught.
That politics are better after you break up with them for a while.